Sage's Story:
Sage is a beautiful pinto mustang from the Fifteen Mile HMA in Wyoming. He is around 16-18 years old, and is partially blind in his right eye. Sage has a long story of hardships, and was the very first mustang we pulled from a less than idea situation.
Sage was a wild stallion in his HMA for 12 years. He was then rounded up, gelded, and released back into the wild for two additional years. After those two years he was rounded up for good.
The middle of his story is a little fuzzy, but we know he was passed around quite a bit and eventually ended up being owned by someone living in California who had him at a trainer in Oklahoma.
This trainer had Sage for around six months and did not have an adequate grasp on pressure and release training. Sage was roped with a lariat, lunged around his pen endlessly with no release, and "desensitized" with a stick with streamers and hay string attached to the end. He came away with an even greater fear of humans and all training equipment.
The day we picked him up, he ran frantically around his pen in attempt to get away from us, crashing into panels and his shelter, and even falling down and slipping with his leg caught in the panel.
He was underweight, cut up, and scared to death. We got him loaded and back to our barn in Texas, where we began to create a bond with him so he doesn't feel so unsafe around humans.
Here is Sage, the day we brought him home, featuring his adorable summer mustache:

You can see now that he has a much softer eye, a more relaxed disposition, and he is a much healthier weight! All in all, he looks like a brand new horse now. He is no longer hollow, and scared. He is now mighty and graceful once again!
Sage has had quite the journey of healing. We got him in June of 2021 and he is just now beginning to be brave enough to approach humans. He has learned that we give great face and eye rubs that he greatly enjoys, and that we sometimes have treats for him!
Recently, he has even been approaching visitors that come to the sanctuary. We are so happy to see the light and life returning to this beautiful soul's eyes. He is often seen hanging out swatting flies with his best friend, Deets, and he enjoys joining in on some of the other horse's positive reinforcement training sessions! He is always rewarded for showing any bravery, and in this way he has returned to expressing his mighty self!
Sponsorship Tiers:
Bronze Sponsorship: $15/mo
Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Silver Sponsorship: $30/mo
Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Gold Sponsorship: $75/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Platinum Sponsorship: $125/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Diamond Sponsorship: $200/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), Wall Canvas featuring your Mustang, Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!