Together We Can Make an Impact!
Each year the Bureau of Land Management rounds up over twenty thousand mustangs to be stockpiled in private and government holding pens. The US Forest Service rounds up countless mustangs from the National Forests to be sent to public auctions. On top of that thousands more mustangs are rounded up off of reservations across the American West. Of the roughly three thousand mustangs lucky enough to be adopted from the BLM each year, many of these often end up dumped at public auctions by their adopters alongside their USFS and Reservation mustang counterparts!
These auctions are frequented by kill buyers, looking for any cheap unwanted horses they can load up in their giant trailers and haul a load of twenty five or more horses at a time to Mexico or Canada to be sold by the pound and slaughtered for their meat. Unhandled wild mustangs are often the prime victims, as there aren't many people wanting to take in wild horses with little to no training.
Unfortunately there are now more mustangs in captivity than left in the wild, a heartbreaking statistic! It is time for the people to take the future of the American Mustang into our own hands! Join us in creating a safe haven for these majestic animals in need of a second chance at life. These icons of American freedom deserve just that- FREEDOM.
Our Mission
The American Mustang should be honored, not rounded up and stored, or sold at auction! Currently 75K+ mustangs removed from BLM ranges gave up their freedom for a life standing in a dirt holding pen, separated from their families and unable to run free. Many of these mustangs end up in kill pens to be slaughtered due to adopters bending the rules of the BLM's Adoption Incentive Program or dumping the horses if they aren't able to successfully train them.
The US Forest Service and many Reservations also round up mustangs and they are sent straight to auction since they are not protected under the 1971 laws protecting America's Wild Horses. It's a true tradgedy!
Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary is working to remove as many of these mustangs from kill pens, auctions, and at risk slaughter situations as possible and offer them a lifetime of freedom instead!

How Can You Help?
"If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough"
We have HUGE ambitions to create a massive sanctuary and an equally massive network of sponsors, donors and advocates in order to truly change the lives of the American Mustangs that are losing their freedom and their very lives so rapidly. These horses have stood by our side for centuries, aiding in mankind's most crucial times! It's now time for us to return the favor.
You can join us in the fight for these horses by donating, sponsoring a mustang, shopping our Merch, and by sharing our posts on social media. The more people who become aware of what's happening to America's Wild Horses and join us in this fight, the more horses live's we can positively impact forever.