Fox's Story:
Fox is a special BLM Mare from the Green Mountain HMA in Wyoming. Here is a photo of her enjoying her wild life with her herd!

Due to an old hip injury that didn't quite heal properly Fox is unable to be ridden. Because of this her owner is looking to rehome her- I have been in contact with her owner for several months while she explores her options and decides what route would be best place for Fox to live out her life. We believe she would be an amazing candidate for our on the ground equine therapy program, and we have officially decided to offer Fox a forever home here at the sanctuary! Fox is currently living in Ohio, about 40 miles away from the recent train crash incident. Her adopter is worried about some of the affects of the spill, and wants to get her down here to us as quickly as possible. Here she is with her incredibly loving owner, Samantha.

It was very hard for Samantha to part ways with Fox, but ultimately she is doing the best thing for Fox! Since she is so beautiful, there is a high chance that if Samantha passed her along to another home they may try to ride her anyways regardless of her injury, since it doesn't impede her in any visible way, but can be seen clearly through the x-rays Samantha had done for Fox.
With us, she will never have to worry about that! She can remain with our herd and participate in on the ground therapy sessions, while still being admired for her beauty about which Samantha accurately says "You can't help but believe God exists when you see Fox!"
We plan to transport her home to Nirvana at the beginning of April 2023.
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Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Silver Sponsorship: $30/mo
Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Gold Sponsorship: $75/mo
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Platinum Sponsorship: $125/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Diamond Sponsorship: $200/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), Wall Canvas featuring your Mustang, Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!