Sundancer's Story:
Sundancer is a 3-4 year old palomino pinto mustang from the Last Creek HMA in Wyoming! He is a super kind boy, and he has the most beautiful golden colored eyes. We picked up Sundancer straight from the BLM.
Here is an adorable photo of Sundancer when we was still wild and free in Wyoming:

He can often be seen hanging out with his best friend, 10 year old mare, Ruby!
Sundancer was our very first ambassador mustang that helps us spread the power of kind, force free horse training methods focused on empathy, relationship, and that allows the horse's wild spirit to remain while thoroughly enjoying their human connections. We aim to increase the number of mustang adoptions and decrease the number of mustangs left at auctions where they are susceptible to kill buyers by showcasing how anyone can train a mustang using these gentle methods, lots of time, and love.
Sponsorship Tiers:
Bronze Sponsorship: $15/mo
Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Silver Sponsorship: $30/mo
Includes: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Gold Sponsorship: $75/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Platinum Sponsorship: $125/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Diamond Sponsorship: $200/mo
Includes: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), Wall Canvas featuring your Mustang, Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!