Yin the Reservation Mustang's Story:
Every year thousands of mustangs are rounded up off of Reservations across the American West. They go directly into public auctions, where they are extremely susceptible to kill buyers. Then, they end up in the slaughter pipeline destined to ship to Mexico to be used for their meat...
Yin along with her bonded friend Yang were set to ship Sunday January 29th, 2024. We were aware of them but already had a fundraiser underway for Mocha and Scarlet, so we were unable to take action at the time.
Miraculously, they were the two horses on the lot left off of the truck to Mexico, giving us a SECOND CHANCE to offer them a SECOND CHANCE at LIFE period!!!!!
Yin arrived home to Nirvana on January 6th, 2024 terrified, with coughing and huge amounts of snot coming from her nose due to that disgusting kill pen riddles with sickness. She was underweight, and ribs shown through her gorgeous black coat, but we could immediately see the kindness and gentle nature shining through. With antibiotics, and plentiful hay she is well on her way to being healthy once again and then she can be turned out with a herd!
She has already gained so much weight and with that we can see a big big belly emerging... we believe Yin is likely pregnant and we cannot wait to meet the little one!!
She has learned to enjoy human contact as well, and makes the absolute cutest face when she is receiving scratches!
Soon, she and Yang will leave their quarantine pen and be able to join a herd of their very own to enjoy and create lasting, lifelong friendships & bonds within 🙏🏻
Sponsorship Tiers:
Bronze Sponsorship: $15/mo
For the Horse: Some Monthly Hay Cost Covered
For the Sponsor: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Silver Sponsorship: $30/mo
For the Horse: Some Monthly Hay Cost Covered
For the Sponsor: Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), and a Monthly Mustang Update
Gold Sponsorship: $75/mo
For the Horse: Half of the Monthly Hay Cost Covered
For the Sponsor: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Platinum Sponsorship: $125/mo
For the Horse: Partial Monthly Hay Cost Covered
For the Sponsor: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!
Diamond Sponsorship: $200/mo
For the Horse: FULL Monthly Hay Cost Covered, Deworming, any Hoof Trims or Dental Work Needed
For the Sponsor: Official Certificate of Sponsorship, Mustang's Full Known History, Mailed Photos of Your Mustang (one time), a Monthly Mustang Update, a t-shirt (one time), a Mug with your Mustang on it (one time), Wall Canvas featuring your Mustang, Invites to Sponsor Only Events at the sanctuary to meet your mustang!