Baby Phoenix
Baby Phoenix
Baby Phoenix

Baby Phoenix

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Phoenix's Story:

Phoenix was the most adorable little Spitfire baby we’d ever seen! He was born to Corinne at the McLean TX Kill Pen where he contracted salmonella, which led to sepsis. He was rushed to the vet where he remained for several weeks to get plasma transfusions and several other life-saving operations. He was put on all he could eat milk replacer formula that is higher in calories than mom’s milk because he desperately needed to gain weight!!

Phoenix is a FIGHTER and was discharged from the vet and put back on his mom’s milk to continue nursing and growing as he was given daily meds to ensure his continued healing from sepsis.

A few weeks later, after finishing his initial meds and vet checks with flying colors, Phoenix choked and pneumonia was found to be the cause of his trouble eating hay. He was rushed back to the vet for fluids and antibiotics on November 8th.

At the vet the second time, they discovered that poor little Phoenix contracted pneumonia due to milk coming back up his esophagus, keeping it very moist in his throat and into his lungs. This prompted further testing to see what was really going on in his little body..

He had been suffering from pyloric ulcers, preventing him from being able to digest any milk or hay whatsoever and led to other health complications d

The Pylorus is the part of the stomach that connects to the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). It is a valve that opens and closes during digestion.

These ulcers caused a pyloric outflow obstruction, meaning the milk he consumed would enter his stomach, but very little made it through to his intestines, which explains why he was not growing or gaining weight at the rate of a normal foal. As the ulcers began to heal, scar tissue gradually tightened the pylorus, the passage from the stomach to the intestines. This led to aspiration, which eventually caused the pneumonia that sent Phoenix back to the vet after winning his bout with sepsis.

Unfortunately, there was no treatment, not even surgery, that could offer a positive prognosis. We are deeply saddened by this loss of a precious life that should have lasted 25+ more years.

Phoenix is now running free forever, and may we let him be a shining example of why NO HORSE deserves to end up in a kill pen. EVER.